Balloon Jet Cars
· skewers
· straws
· scissors
· tape
· hot glue gun
· drill
· cardboard
· ruler
· bottle caps
· balloon
· pencil
1. Construct a 3D shape using cardboard.
This will be the body of your car.
2. Next you tape two straws to the bottom of the
car. That are about 3mm wider than the car.
3. After that you poke a skewer through the
straws. The skewers need to be longer then the straws so you can fit the wheels
4. Push wheels on the end of the skewers and
attach with a hot glue gun.
5. Attach a small bit of the straw to
the top of the car. Next you attach a balloon to the straw.
6. Check there are no holes in the straw by
blowing the balloon up and hold it by the end of the balloon so no air comes
out if it comes out of the straw put on another layer of tape.
7. Now you are for the race course!
by Jack & Michael